How to Deal with Roof Damage after a Storm in Beverly, MA

When a storm hits Beverly, MA, the damage to a home’s roof can be extensive. Hail, high winds, heavy rain, and falling debris can all lead to significant damage, leaving homeowners dealing with roof repair in Beverly, MA. Failing to address storm damage can lead to more significant and costly issues. This is why taking immediate action when you suspect roof damage is crucial. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the steps you can take to deal with roof damage after a storm in Beverly, MA.

Assess the Damage

After a storm, inspecting your roof for any signs of damage is essential. First, walk around the perimeter of your home and check for any visible damage from the ground level. For example, you may see missing shingles, dents in gutters, or other signs of damage. Next, conduct a close-up inspection of the roof for any visible signs of damage. 

Look for missing, cracked, or curled shingles, dents, or other damage to the roof. If your roof is accessible, check the attic for any signs of leaks or water damage. A professional roofer can help you identify damage that may not be visible to the untrained eye and perform the necessary roof repair in Beverly, MA.

Secure the Area

It’s essential to ensure your roof is safe to walk on before attempting any roof repairs. If the roof is wet, slippery, or damaged, it’s best to leave the repairs to a professional roofer. Use caution when climbing on the roof, and wear proper safety gear. Remove any debris or fallen branches that may be blocking the roof. This will ensure that your roofing contractor has a clear workspace and can move around the roof safely.

Temporary Fixes

If the damage is minor, you may be able to use a temporary fix until a professional roofer can be contacted. Cover any holes or exposed areas with plastic or tarps to prevent further water damage. It’s crucial to remember that these temporary fixes are not a permanent solution and should only be used as a stop-gap measure until a professional can make permanent roof repair in Beverly, MA.

Contact a Professional

A professional roofer will be able to assess the damage, provide a detailed estimate of the repair costs, and offer a long-term solution to the damage. Get multiple estimates and check for references before hiring anyone. In addition, consider working with your insurance company to cover the roof repair cost in Beverly, MA. A professional roofing contractor also has experience working with insurance companies and can help you navigate the claims process.

Insurance Claims

Dealing with insurance claims can be overwhelming, but it’s essential for emergencies and repairs. Review your insurance policy to understand what is covered and what is not. Document the damage with photos and written descriptions. Provide all necessary information to your insurance company to start the claim process. A professional roofing contractor like Roofer of Beverly can help you navigate the claims process and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.


Dealing with roof repair in Beverly, MA, after a storm can be overwhelming. However, immediately hiring a professional roofing contractor like Roofer of Beverly can ensure your roof is repaired quickly and effectively. Remember to assess the damage, secure the area, and contact a reputable roofing contractor for permanent repairs. With preventative maintenance and the right team on your side, you can protect your home’s roof from storm damage and avoid costly repairs in the future.

Roofer of Beverly

125 Colon St, Beverly, MA 01915

Phone: +19783076626